This is one of those times of the year: struggling to keep the head above the water, roughly one month before the last lecture of the semester. On top trying to squeeze trips, meetings and presentations in between while dealing with man flu.
- Creating a list of introductory-level Bayesian blogs. Some suggestions in the comments: Probably Overthinking It, Maximum Entropy & Deus Dia Pente.
- Materials for Statistical Modelling in Stata. HT: Christophe Lalanne.
- That damned R-squared! understanding through simulation by Arthur Charpentier.
- Strange headlines: ‘Livestock Improvement Corporation offers semen credit in wake of ‘hairy calves’ genetic defect’. HT: Mem Sommerville.
- Attention Deficit Disorder sufferers have moved, at least for a while, from talking about Julia to talking about Stan.
- I bought a copy of Wes McKinney’s Python for Data Analysis. Worth the price.